The Sochi Project: An Atlas of War and Tourism in the Caucasus at DePaul Museum of Art

Photographer Rob Hornstra and journalist Arnold van Bruggen are documenting the rapidly-changing region around Sochi, a former Soviet resort on the Black Sea, which is preparing to host the 2014 Winter Olympics. The exhibition at the DePaul Art Museum shows extraordinary photos, together with interviews and films, recording a complicated mix of parallel realities as…

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Laurie Frick: Walking, Eating, Sleeping

Laurie Frick opens an exhibit at the Marfa Contemporary Gallery “Walking, Eating, Sleeping” and it takes an obsessive, quantitative look at daily life, drawing on Frick’s background in engineering and technology.The artwork of Laurie Frick explores the intersection of technology and creativity as the artist herself adopts a daily regimen of self-tracking that measures her…

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Audubon and the Art of Birds

The Bell Museum will debut Audubon and the Art of Birds, an exhibition that explores the human fascination with birds, and showcases one of the museum’s most valuable treasures: a double-elephant folio edition of John James Audubon’s Birds of America. The rare collection of hand-colored engravings was donated to the Bell Museum in 1928. John James Audubon (1785-1851) is…

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Kenneth Josephson at Stephen Daiter Gallery in Chicago

Kenneth Josephson has been a tireless pioneer of conceptual art photography since the late 1950s. He is the product of a rigorous education that began with the inspiration of the visionary Minor White at the Rochester Institute of Technology and culminating with his graduate studies under the renown teaching team of Harry Callahan and Aaron…

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Objects of Desire Michael Beck at Paul Thiebaud Gallery in San Francisco

Objects of Desire by Michael Beck opens the fall season at the Paul Thiebaud Gallery in San Francisco.  Though not necessarily depictions of items coveted by the masses, they are a curious group of subjects— sailboats, cars, trucks, amusement park rides, and dolls—all antique toys, desired at certain ages and in certain eras. Beck’s explores…

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Modern Spirit: The Art of George Morrison at the Plains Art Museum

“George Morrison’s importance to our understanding of twentieth-century Native American art is unparalleled,” says Kristin Makholm, executive director of the Minnesota Museum of American Art. “This first, comprehensive retrospective of his work will reveal how visions of identity and place play an essential role in assessing American art of the 20th century and beyond.” The…

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Stephen Magsig at George Billis Gallery

  “When I think about the conventions of painting — a tradition I respect immensely — I notice that my concern has always been with the interplay of light and structure,” says artist Stephen Magsig. “Light, since it defines everything, is what my work is about — how light changes things, how it inflects the…

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Fatima Ronquillo “Private Revolution”

On Saturday, April 6th, Wally Workman Gallery opens Private Revolution, a solo show by Fatima Ronquillo. Her fourth show with the gallery, Private Revolution is a celebration of the various private revolutions that her imagined personages launch: rebellions against indifferent beloveds, oppressive thoughts, and real or perceived injuries. There is a context for the ongoing…

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Edward Curtis photos & Metropolitan frames travel around the world

Cardozo Fine Art has created the most extensive exhibition program of Curtis photography in history. These exhibitions and Metropolitan frames have been seen in over forty countries and on every continent but Antarctica. It is estimated that through his books, exhibitions, lectures, and former gallery, Cardozo has brought Curtis to well over 10 million people world-wide. Metropolitan first…

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Picasso and Chicago at The Art Institute of Chicago

The “Picasso and Chicago” exhibit marks the special hundred-year relationship of Pablo Picasso with the city of Chicago and features more than 250 works selected from the The Art Institute of Chicago’s own exceptional holdings and from private collections throughout city. Representing Picasso’s innovations in nearly every media—paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, and ceramics—the works not only tell the story of Picasso’s…

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