“The year 2016 marks the 500th year since the establishment of the Jewish, Ghetto in Venice, the first ghetto ever in existence. To honor the historical anniversary and the influence this uniquely urban space has had on the development of contemporary architecture, I worked on-site in Venice for two months to create a series of…

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Caroline Allison “Underground Again” at Zeitgeist Gallery in Nashville

 “Underground Again” meditates on ways history underlines the present – be it social, political, ecological, or geological. Through a shared engagement with source materials derived from the landscape, the exhibition emerges and overlaps from the remains of social-philosophical models, earth-based systems, perceptions of time, and abandoned spaces of invention. Looking to these ideas, the interconnected…

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Noelle Mason “Incident Report”

Most skydiving photography uses wide-angle lenses and fast shutter speeds to freeze time and capture images with the highest possible clarity. In contrast, “Incident Report” uses a lens-less pin-hole camera which does not refract light but instead allows the image to imprint itself directly onto a piece of film over a period of three seconds…

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JPEG Mountain: New Work by Cassandra C. Jones

Collecting thousands of found digital images, Jones organizes them to create colorful and unexpected collage works that float like botanical drawings on stark white backgrounds. The work reflects the disparate influences in Jones’ life: technology and the natural beauty of the landscape that surrounds her Ojai Valley home. With Jones’ meticulous touch, images of nature…

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Goldsleger’s works are inspired by relationships between location and territory, between micro detail and macro expanse, and between order and chaos. Using a highly nuanced palette of whites, greys, blacks and muted colors, these new works deconstruct reality into the two-dimensional plane. Although rooted in reality, these mixed media paintings and drawings are constructed in…

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Atsuko Morita “365” at Space236 in San Francisco

The “365 ” exhibit is now over two years in the making. Using a pinhole camera I crafted specifically for this project, I have captured one moment from each day in my life. The photos are clustered by month, with a small portion of the negative exposed for each calendar day. I have been producing projects for years…

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Jerome Hershey ” New Strokes + Words” at Pennsylvania Arts Experience

“I make number and text based, color oriented abstract paintings and drawings. The paintings are created by repeating and layering the words or numbers found in the title of the piece. I use my own handwriting, fragment each letter or number and assign colors to every unit. Repeated over and over, the words become purposefully…

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Amy Rockett-Todd and Antonia Small

What began as a trek through the woods towards Fairy Beach, with canned chairs atop the heads of her children, fusing the paths of two wellie-wearing women … Amy Rockett-Todd met Antonia Small on that rocky beach the summer of 2012. As Jack, Antonia’s jack Russell,perched himself atop a nearby rock, the two discovered they were both…

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Jennifer Nagle Myers at 707 Gallery

Waterfall Vision is a collection of new and recent artwork inspired by the human body in relationship to the earth body. The show will include drawings, paintings, installation and performance that seek to unearth a new alphabet of form, mark, and material.  S P E C I A L    E V EN T S…

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Elizabeth Geiger “New Paintings” at Gross McCleaf Gallery

Still life has been my subject of choice for 20 years, probably because it allows me to control the light, colors involved, and objects.  I return to familiar things, most of them culinary, letting the drama and surprise come from the arrangement, vantage point or the paint itself.  “Still Life with Tools”, 40″ X 36″, oil on linen, 2015…

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