OSÉ GUADALUPE POSADA and the Mexican Penny Press
José Guadalupe Posada (1852–1913) was one of Mexico’s most influential political printmakers and cartoonists. Posada produced an extensive body of imagery, from illustrations for children’s games to sensationalistic news stories. He is best known, however, for his popular and satirical representations of calaveras (skeletons) in lively guises, who have become associated with the Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebrations. Posada’s prints shaped generations of Mexican artists including the muralists Diego Rivera and José Clemente Orozco. This exhibition features a wide range of prints and print media including calaveras, chapbooks, political prints, devotional images, and representations of natural disasters and popular events. The works for this exhibition are generously on loan from David Sellers P ’06.

José Guadalupe Posada
Remate de calaveras alegres y sandungueras / Las que hoy son emplovadas garbanceras, pararán en deformes calaveras (The Sell-off of Happy and Charming Calaveras, Which are Now Dusty Chickpea Sellers, Will End as Misshapen Calaveras), 1913

José Guadalupe Posada
Revoltijo de calaveras de muchachos papeleros (Jumble of Skeletons of Newspaper Boys), 1903

José Guadalupe Posada
El cometa del centenario de la independencia / 1810—México—1910. Diáloguito de Mamá Tierra con D. Cometa Halley (The Comet Marking the Centennial of Independence / 1810—Mexico—1910)

José Guadalupe Posada
¡Caso raro! Una mujer que dio a luz tres niños y cuatro animales (Strange Case! A Woman who Gave Birth to Three Children and Four Animals), n.d.

José Guadalupe Posada
Esta es de Don Quijote, la primera, La sin par la gigante calavera (This is Don Quixote, the First, the Matchless, the Giant Calavera), n.d

José Guadalupe Posada
Gran calavera eléctrica—que se les va a regalar—calavera muy fachosa de pura electricidad. (Great Electric Calavera, as a Present to You, A Most Conceited Calavera of Pure Electricity), c. 1907

"OSÉ GUADALUPE POSADA and the Mexican Penny Press"
October 28, 2016 - February 18, 2016
The Trout Gallery
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA

Standard Profile: 106
Type: standard gallery frame
Wood & Finish: maple wood frame with black opaque finish
Custom wood Strainer: 3/4" wood frame strainer with inserts
Custom frame Acrylic: UV acrylic cut to size
Custom frame Backing Boards: archival coroplast cut to size
Framing Advice: fitting gallery frames