Robert Brinker at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art

“Robert Brinker” is the first solo show of paintings by Robert Brinker to be held at Francis M. Naumann Fine Art. The eight large paintings and smaller studies in this exhibition were produced over the course of the past year, but they mark the culmination of a ten-year exploration of integrating figurative elements derived from the print media and translated into abstract patterns. The artist described the process employed in making these new paintings: “I begin by tracing lines from many sources such as coloring books, comics, and traditional Chinese paper cuts… The finished collage is then scanned into the computer where I can further manipulate it… I use these lines as a template that I overlay on some of the original source materials and begin to create the composition, colors and details… In the paintings (as opposed to the collages and preliminary studies), I am able to better explore the space by manipulating the paint, creating subtle fades in the lines and backgrounds or through flat fields of color. ” Francis M. Naumann Fine Art January 13 - February 24, 2012 |

Deep Floating Profile: 121
Type: floating frames for 1-1/2" deep canvas paintings
Wood & Finish: maple wood frame with clear lacquer finish
Purchasing Options: joined wood frame
Framing Advice: fitting floating frames
Standard Profile: 101
Type: standard gallery frame
Wood & Finish: maple wood frame with white opaque finish
Purchasing Options: joined wood frame with splines
Custom Wood Spacer: 1/2" wood frame spacer
Custom Wood Strainer: 3/4" wood frame strainer
Framing Advice: fitting floating frames
Framing Advice: fitting gallery frames